One main character -  school girl. The inspiration for my character to be a young teenage girl comes from the age of the audience as it is 16-25 year olds having a seven teen year old girl as the main focus would interest the intended audience. I am aiming to get the character to look as stereotypical as I can. Especially as this particular teenager is struggling with a drug addiction, so she should have bags under her eyes, she should be constantly fidgeting, she should be looking under dressed and really run down. My aim is to get the audience to understand it immediately with out the use of 'drugs' to be used - if the worst comes to the worst then I will obviously create a scene where the character will pretend to take the 'drugs' to make the final outcome realistic.

Location 1 the school - I really want to show that she is a school girl and the best way to do that is to show her in school. I want to maybe show her in a classroom or her walking through the school with other children walking past her giving her dirty looks. The effect is to really make sure the audience understand where she is throughout the video and who she is.

Location 2 the beach - The beach is like her fantasy. She is imagining she is on the beach, she takes drugs to make her feel like she is on a beach the whole time because she like feeling free. They help her get through the day because she is struggling with huge mental and physical challenges in her everyday life and needs to take the edge off some times.

Location 3 street/village area - The streets are to show how she gets to the beach. I thought I should film her walking to the beach so it would make more sense for the audience. 

Location 4 the boarding house/bathrooms - To show that she is in school and to make sure the audience understand that she is a stereotypical school girl. The filming of the school will make sure that the audience understands this.


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