Statement of intent.


I have chosen the song Hung Up by Madonna it has been adopted by the gay rights community and therefore can be used as a protest song. Madonna is also with the record company Warner Bros. 

 My ideas haven’t really developed into how I can create my music video to show protest.

One of my ideas is to follow a teenage girl around the age of 17-18 in her daily routine but she has a problem with metal health and drug addictions. As she goes through her day she starts seeing things and everything slows down. - ‘Time goes by so slowly’ 

The words ‘ I don’t know what to do’ is a symbol that she needs help, the song is quite hectic and so this would represent how she feels everyday like things are going so slowly. This will fit into the genre because it is a protest making people aware of mental health in teens. By the end of the video the girl will come to the realisation that she needs help but it will finish with a close up of her mouth saying the words ‘I don’t know what to do’.

The core values of Warner Music Group are honesty and integrity.

I will use a performer in my music video who will suit the genre of the video because the genre is about protesting and the performer I use will be scruffy and tired - your typical drug addicted teen. I am taking inspiration for what the girl should look like from the television series ‘Skins’ and the character ‘Effy’.  The person i will use fits into the genre of protest because she will look scruffy and ‘slutty’ in protest of her not giving a damn about what she looks like. This will appeal to the audience as it is a rebellious young teen reaching out for help with her drug addiction. The mise-en-scene links to other music videos such as ‘No education’ By Eric Prynz, ‘It's been Awhile’ by the band Staind and ‘I Hate Everything About You’ by Three Days Grace. Although some of these songs are rock songs they can relate to my music video because of the fact these songs are about regret and drugs. The representations that the Mise-en-scene will show are where the music video is based so for mine one it would be mainly a school and then some of a street with houses. 

The core values of warner music group -  I am proud that we foster a company culture that embodies honesty and integrity. We share common values, exercise good judgement, and act ethically in all our business dealings.

Synergy is important to media industries because they all need to have a connection through the music they play. Branding is important because it is the way that the individual companies are recognised in society. I am going to create a logo that fits the Madonna form but has sophistication so the colours i will be using are green and pink with a hint of white. The colours across the music video will be dark and sombre, I am thinking of putting a dark filtre across the top of it. I will use the media to create synergy between my products which will help attract the target audience.


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