Statement of intent.
STATEMENT OF INTENT - I have chosen the song Hung Up by Madonna it has been adopted by the gay rights community and therefore can be used as a protest song. Madonna is also with the record company Warner Bros. My ideas haven’t really developed into how I can create my music video to show protest. One of my ideas is to follow a teenage girl around the age of 17-18 in her daily routine but she has a problem with metal health and drug addictions. As she goes through her day she starts seeing things and everything slows down. - ‘Time goes by so slowly’ The words ‘ I don’t know what to do’ is a symbol that she needs help, the song is quite hectic and so this would represent how she feels everyday like things are going so slowly. This will fit into the genre because it is a protest making people aware of mental health in teens. By the end of the video the girl will come to the realisation that she needs help but it will finish with a close up of her mouth saying ...
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